Cluster Feeding: When Baby Wants to Eat ALL THE TIME
Cluster feeding is like pouring salt into a wound! You are already exhausted from labour, delivery and trying to adjust to your new role and all of a sudden all your baby wants to do is eat.
It can be very frustrating and you start to question whether there is something wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong Mama, it’s a normal developmental stage designed to help bring in your milk.
When does cluster feeding happen?
It usually happens on the second night. You feed your baby then put them down into their bassinet. They fall asleep and then 15-20 mins later, he/she is rooting again for the breast. Unfortunately, this can continue for the entire night. You literally feel like you’ve done nothing but feed your baby all night long. The good news is that this won’t last forever. It usually lasts that night and then all of a sudden they fall into a deep and long sleep. This is when you need to put a do not disturb sign on your door and get some much needed rest.
WHY do babies cluster feed????
There is a very logical explanation for all this torture, Mama. Your baby is trying to bring in your milk. Your body produces milk very similarly to how the economy works: the more the demand, the more the supply. The more your baby is on the breast, stimulating your body to make more milk, the more your body will make milk.
Cluster feeding happens when your baby is having a growth spurt: 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months. Any time your baby is going through a growth spurt, you may notice that they want to feed more often. As hard as it is for an already exhausted Mama, increasing the feeds will help satiate your baby.
Cluster feeding will not last forever. It will help increase your supply and keep your baby full and growing well.
My best piece of advice (that I didn’t take) is to rest when your baby rests. I know it is hard when the laundry is piling up and things need to be done, but in order to take care of your baby, you need to take care of yourself.
Q: Can I use a soother when baby is cluster feeding?
In the early days of breastfeeding I would wait to introduce a soother until you have established breastfeeding. Babies have a very strong suck reflex and you want to make sure that you are not mixing up their feeding cue with the need to suck. After you’ve established breastfeeding feel free to introduce a soother. This is especially important when they are cluster feeding. You want to make sure that you are feeding them.
You make the most milk during the night, which is why it’s so important to wake your baby to feed. This is why cluster feeding coincides with night time. It works with your body to help increase your milk production.
Like one of my breastfeeding clients said “Oh breastfeeding, the most unnatural, natural thing for me as a mother.” This sums up exactly what breastfeeding is like. If you find yourself struggling, please reach out. All my breastfeeding support services involve a visit to your home, and if you don’t live locally, I can help via Skype.