Breastfeeding: Everyone’s journey is different


It can be a very triggering word. If you don't breastfeed, then you're judged. If you breastfeeding for over a year, you're judged. You can't win. There's so much societal pressure placed on Mamas!

It's amazing how much weight there is in a word. For some breastfeeding is the best part of their journey in motherhood. For others it's one they want to forget as quickly as possible.

All of our breastfeeding journeys look a little different and that's ok. What works for one Mama doesn't work for another.

The key is if it's not working, don't struggle alone. Reach out for support ❤️

There are many factors why breastfeeding is challenging:

  • It's a learned skill by both you and baby and it takes time. It's not something that you will master overnight. You need to be patient and compassionate with yourself
  • Your baby might not be getting a deep enough latch
  • You have flat or inverted nipples
  • Your nipples are raw, cracked and bleeding
  • You have low milk supply
  • Your letdown is too fast
  • Reoccurring plugged ducts/mastitist
  • Engorged breasts
  • Baby is on a nursing strike
  • Your letdown is too fast
  • You don't have support
  • Societal pressure that you have to breastfeed, otherwise you are a bad Mama

Mamas, if you're experiencing any of the above challenges, please reach out. You don't have to struggle alone. In most cases, with a little support and education, you can successfully breastfeed your baby..

There's nothing wrong with asking for help. It's more than ok to ask for it 💙

You can email me at or you can book a consult through my website. I am here to answer any questions you have and to support you any way I can inn your breastfeeding journey. We can't do this alone ❤️

Good luck, Mamas!

- Agnes (MamaBear)

About Agnes Mayer

Hi, I'm Agnes Mayer, owner of MamaBear Holistic Care. I am a Mama, wife, RN and IBCLC with over 17 years of experience supporting Mamas and Babies. I started MamaBear Holistic Care because I saw a huge lack of support and resources available for expectant, new Mamas and their families. I offer prenatal classes, breastfeeding, postpartum and sleep support, along with CPR & Choking workshops; essentially all the support you will need in order to make the transition into motherhood easier. Although based in the Tri-Cities, I support Mamas all over the Lower Mainland.

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